Thursday, July 19, 2007

Karma...The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Recognize this little cutie? Yeppers, it's our old house, all dolled up and missing her front yard trees. Pretty! And for sale...STILL.
The asking price is $192, 000.00. You freaking heard me! So, these two yokels who bought the thing for $116, 000.00 stand to make, erm, let's see...carry the three, borrow 97...yep. LOTS of dough. The funny part is that for as fast as they gave us the boot and hauled ass getting the place gutted and redone, it still hasn't sold. Coming up on four(ish) months. I have to be careful here, I don't want to piss Karma off, but I get to feel a little bit thrilled that they have yet to collect their giant check. My awesome gal-pal Sam did a little recon for me when they had an open house a while ago, and she said that while it looks gorgeous, it's pretty "vanilla" and definitely not our house anymore. So good.
I was just telling my parents that I hope a very nice young family moves into the place and builds a life of great memories there. The house deserves that.
I just hope it takes a liittttle bit longer for that to happen.
I'd really like to email the realtor and tell him that his clients can send our portion of the profits to Bend...but I'm thinking that may be frowned upon. Ha!
Well, that's my quick update. Enjoy, more soon.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Going Postal

So here's a new one...
Most of the people reading this probably already know that I share my name with one of my sisters-in-law. First name, last name, middle initial. Yup. You could say that both of us had the good fortune of marrying brothers. We like to say that they had the good fortune of marrying us. When she was a practicing midwife, I used to get calls from women who wanted me to deliver their babies. I was always quick to inform them that they had the wrong girl, because if I did any baby-catching there were sure to be drugs involved, whether they wanted them or not. And of course, I would pass along the correct information! We have had a few funny cases of "mistaken identity," or more appropriately, "confused identity," particularly when people thought that I was a nurse or in some way qualified to minister medical attention to the masses. I am most definitely not. Qualified. Nor, for that matter, am I a nurse.
Now, after the HELL that was the whole house fiasco, the fam and I moved in with said glorious sister-in-law and her hubby. YAY! And it was fantastic. But, clever me...I filled out a change of address form when we did...mainly because I wanted to keep getting Rolling Stone and the Fingerhut catalog. That was fine, although it did make for some excitement when the mail came. We managed to figure out which mail went to whom, and while she got MUCH cooler mail than I did, we did just fine.
Fast forward now. Remember, we moved to Bend. And what comes with moving, kids? CHANG OF ADDRESS forms. Because I am, as I think I may have mentioned once or twice, clever, I went ahead and filled out the online version of the change form. Good job, yeah?
In an uncharacteristic moment that was seriously NOT clever, I filled out the change for the family instead of doing it individually. As it turns out, I inadvertently chose the "pain in the ass" version of the change form. That's right, I pretty much told the United States Postal Service that not only had I and my husband and children moved to Bend, but I essentially told them that my sister and brother-in-law had moved as well!!!!!
Luckily, the mail carrier at who has their route knew them and the situation and actually knocked on the door to inform them of my faux pas. I had to go back and change the address back to the correct one for the bro and sis in law, and only change our address in the hubby's name. So my sis in law and I will still experience some confusion for a little while, but generally the mail should be getting where it needs to go and my brother in law will be getting the correct mail. Resolved, you ask? Why yes, I thought it was.
So guess what came in the mail today? Their garbage bill and their cable bill.
And while it's going to take some time to iron out the kinks, I'm not even going to was pretty groovy to be able to receive a bill in the mail (or two bills!) and be able to rip it up and not have to pay it.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Rockin' The New Bathroom

So! I know it's been a month since I last posted, but things have been hairy, busy and fabulous. Woo hoo! As most of you know, we had packed up kith and kin (and kittens, cat, dogs and turtle) and boogied over the mountains into beautiful Central Oregon. We arrived on Father's Day, and since then it as only rained twice. For, like, fifteen minutes each. Yup, it's definitely NOT the valley. Some things I have learned over here:

1. Target, Walmart, BiMart, Old Navy, McDonald's Starbucks...They are all pretty much the same as the ones in Eugene. Which is oddly reassuring and disturbing at the same time.

2. Moving into a lovely, nearly brand new house and getting lovely, totally brand new furniture rocks. A lot!

3. Ahhhh, cable (or rather, satellite) tv is, no matter what the "experts" say, a beautiful and wonderous thing. And don't get me started on the miracle that is DVR. Sigh...all the episodes of Dog the Bounty Hunter, Sunset Tan, Miami Ink and The Soup a girl could ever want.

4. Let's not forget about high speed internet. For appropriate adjectives, please see item #3.

5. There exists, in Bend, a street called "Xerxes." That, and Robal Street is LABOR spelled backwards.

6. Children, no matter where they live, still seem to be incapable of locating and utilizing a trash can, laundry hamper or dishwasher.

7. Seeing your kids finally happy after years of real misery is priceless.

Pretty sure there are more, but you'll just have to be satisfied with that for now. Deal.
Now on to more important things. Like our "Hell" bathroom. Because I now have two bathrooms (I keep telling Zak and the boys that they aren't allowed to use my fabulous master (that's right, I said it, MASTER) bathrooom for any reason other than showering. Hasn't worked yet, but I shall perservere. This weekend I spend most of the my time making some additional "decor" for the "public" restroom. With the flaming shower curtain and devil-y things from our bathroom on Skipper Ave, I did a whole bunch of "art" to go with that hell-ish theme. It rules. I know it's weird to decorate a room based on the Underworld, but it's no newsflash that am just a skosh on the weird side myself. LOVE it. And besides, if it disturbs anyone, there will always be the MASTER bathroom. Only, if you are afraid or bothered by zombies and zombie paraphernalia, probably you should run up to the Chevron station on HWY 97 and ask for the key.

So I have interspersed (ooh, vocab word...add it to the collection, Angie Sue) this blog with pictures of our happy hell (please do note the oh-so- clever touches I added because I am a huge nut job). I can tell you all the painted stuff in there is mine, and (come to think of it there are some things that aren't painted that are mine as well, but picky-picky. Shhhhheeeeeoooott!) Nothing in there is intended to be scary or offensive. Well, maybe a teesny bit. Scary like cheesy horror movies are scary. Not scary like in Devil's Rejects scary.
So there you are, kids, brief history of this branch of the Zacharek Family. Oh YEAH. Love, and Peace...

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Junction City Community Market

Just so you all know, The Junction City Community Market begins June 3rd! I will be there as often as I can, commuting from Bend after June. Please please please spread the word, everyone involved in this endeavor is fabulous, and a lot of work has been put into the Market this year. We even have a GREAT new location right on Hwy. 99, so our visibility will be better. Plus we won't have to shut down for the Scandie Festival, which is good too. Anyway, if you are interested in participating, and can't see the tiny numbers on the bottom of the above picture, call Jean 998-2391, or Brian 998-5158. Or me. Spread the word. You tell two friends, and they'll tell two friends, and so on and so on and so on!

Indiana Jones and The High Desert Adventure

So first things first.
You may think I will be addressing the house/home situation first, but sorry. It's FAR more important that I share this:
Yes. We found this while we were moving, and as I have been unable to locate the He Man drawing, I did, smartly, manage to take a photo of this most awesome and somewhat disturbing toy from Zak's childhood.
Yeah, it's' supposed to be Indiana Jones. No, it does not look anything like the enduringly fabulous Harrison Ford. He is, indeed, missing a boot, shirt and the multi-purpose tool, his whip. And I know, he does look very much like the cookie cutter "male" (uding that term loosely...) Barbie, Mr. Ken. But Just take a second and ponder this. I'm not sure if he was purchased this way or if he was a Ken doll somebody modified (please note the oversized felt hat) in lieu of buying an Indy doll. GOD, he rocks. Anyway, now that I have shared that little piece of Zak memorabilia with everyone, I'll update you on our situation. Settle down.

So. We are 98% sure we are moving to Bend this summer. Yay, us! Everything has been pretty much pointing this direction for some time now, and we finally just had to accept the fact that we must be meant to make this decision. As a good friend at school said, "That's called the stars aligning, my dear."
True that. We won't be officially moving until the end of June (I think) and we will be doing a considerable amount of commuting back and forth over the pass the summer to honor commitments, appointments, birthdays, etc. But it looks like we've made the choice, and we'll keep everyone posted. My sis-in-law said, "What's the worst that could happen, you come back to Eugene if it doesn't work out?"
Pretty much. This family hasn't had a great, positive adventure in YEARS. We have been isolated, ill, depressed, and basically surly for so long, I think we all feel like we are waking up from a really long nightmare. And we're pretty sure the whole BS with the house was the best thing that could have ever happened to us, because now we are free! And ready for a new chapter, new opportunities.
So thank God for cell phones and Internet, which make it so much easier to stay in touch. I'll be letting everyone know what the actual plan is when we have one. Actually. High Desert, look out. The Zachareks are coming!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

"Houseless," Not Homeless

Ok, this will be quick (at least that's the plan), but I just want to update while I have two seconds. Two seconds on a borrowed laptop and the school's wireless, that is! Yay for that.
SO. We have moved in temporarily with bro-and sis-in-law, who pretty much rock the freaking world and we LOVE them for helping us out. We loved them before, but now we love them 80% more! Ok 90%. Maybe even 100%. Our kittens are with us, minus VooDoo, who found a happy home yesterday and whose new mommy will completely spoil him rotten. Cool. The pooches are staying with Zak's other awesome bro and his family, thank goodness. We will be here until the end of June, unless something exciting happens before then.
Now for the skinny.
We basically got the boot on Monday the 23rd of April, and we left a crapload of junk behind because we couldn't haul it, store it, or dump it in time. So sucks for the new owners, but I have to say I don't really care. I realized that it's not their fault (completely) that we're "houseless," but it feels good to dislike and trash talk somebody I don't know because I feel yucky. Yes, I am that petty. Whatevs. The last day of moving all of us were having graphic fantasies about what sorts of acts of vandalism we could commit to surprise the new owners "JJ" that Monday morning. My personal favorite came when I was packing the contents of our chest freezer into coolers. The contents were mostly meat, and either Zak or his brother asked if I would like him to stuff some of the packages into the crawl space in the attic...oooh. Love that one. Also discussed leaving the water running when we left, dumping the litter box into the toilet, and the ever-popular butter smearage on the walls. Of course we did none of those things. But the dream was beautiful. And therapeutic.
I drove by the house yesterday and saw that they had not only chopped down my cherry tree (I cannot tell a lie...) but my giant blue spruce as well. Sad. It looked like they were ripping the rock faces off the front too. I will be curious to see what they do with it. I reserve the right to hate it unconditionally.
So now we are trying to make some decisions concerning our future. Sue the lawyer? Maybe. But that sounds like a pain in the ass. Probably we'll ask the State Bar Association to do an independent case review to see if there was any wrongdoing. But we're waiting until the bankruptcy stuff is final final final. Grrrrr. We're looking for a new job for Zak (yep, I said "we" because that is how we roll). There is one possibility, of maybe living and working in Bend. There is an offer on the table and it's a good one. Guess we're hoping for the BBD...bigger better deal. Risky, I know. We'll see what happens.
On the plus side, we found some really FABULOUS crap while we were packing like maniacs...including a drawing Zak did of He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe when he was lots younger. I'm going to try and locate it and scan it in somehow without him knowing. Because he will end my life if he knows I'm doing it. Ha ha. I did get a photo of one item that particularly excites me, but I'll have to share in another post. Because I gotta boogie now.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Super-speedy update...

Just a quick addendum...
Our attorney received a fax from the attorney of the jerks who bought our house (let's call them "JJ" from here on out), which essentially said we have until Thursday, April 19, to collect our things and get the hell out of Dodge. Yep. That's less than a week away now. The good news is I've accomplished a lot over the last couple of weeks in terms of getting rid of our JUNK. Really, there is probably about five years' worth of stuff that has piled up in various parts of the house, waiting for me to rummage through them and dispose of accordingly. We've made three Goodwill donation runs, with both my car and Zak's pickup truck COMPLETELY crammed full. So that's progress. And my niece and my sis-in-law came over on Thursday and brought boxes and helped begin the daunting and terrifying task of weeding through the boys' room! And my friend Sarah has been tremendous, making phone calls, organizing a packing party, and generally being a kick ass friend. Thanks to everyone keeping us in their thoughts. It's times like this when you can feel lower than a smushed snail on the bottom of a Birkenstock, and still be able to recognize the blessings of having such great friends and family.
I've got a kid waiting patiently for me to wrap it up,so I am off to stuff some more boxes. Peace.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

And today's scores...The Man: One Zillion...Ninjas: Zero

Well, it would seem that all the gumption in the world is no match for the power of the dollar.
Sucks for us.
Our attorney received a letter from the attorney of the guys who bought our house at auction, giving us until April 19 to get the hell out.
The trustee's office, who we called this morning, will not speak with us, as we need to go through the "proper channels," meaning our attorney.
We are signing a release to allow us to speak with them.
I still might contact the news, but at this point Zak wants me to wait until after our Chapter 7 is finalized. Like they could really hurt us any more than they already have.
I'm at a loss here. Defeated, depressed, pissed off...pretty much pick one. Or twelve. My poor kiddos...
I guess I'd better start packing...we do have a place to go, God bless family. But I've got to worry now about our pets, too. AGGGGH.
Thanks to everyone for your continued good thoughts and wishes and support. It means so much more than you could ever know.
I'll post again when I can, or if anything changes.
Can anyone help me out in getting a crap load of boxes? Thanks.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

DON'T mess with the ninja. I'm so NOT kidding...

After two nights now of virtually no sleep, I've had an epiphany.
It's definitely my job to get this crap straightened out. So here's my plan. I emailed the following to our trustee, our attorney, the Department of Justice Trustees branch, Peter DeFazio and our realtor:

Dear Mr. XXXXXX,
I am writing to you in an effort to resolve an urgent issue regarding our current Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, and the foreclosure sale of our home. My name is Angela Zacharek, and my husband Aaron and I are working with {attorney's name} to file this bankruptcy. In March, {attorney's name} office sent the appropriate requests and motions to ask that our home be given a stay, to allow us to attempt to sell our home ourselves and therefore prevent a foreclosure marking on our credit, as well as provide our family with the means to find a new place to live and essentially give us a fresh start. We followed the rules. It was our understanding that the house would not be included in the scheduled foreclosure auction on April 9. We found a buyer, who made an offer and we accepted it, with the contingent that it be approved by you, our appointed trustee. Our First Meeting of Creditors is scheduled for Monday, April 16. Unfortunately we learned that the house had indeed been included in the auction, and I discovered this when an insurance agent came to my home on Monday the 9th to take photos for his new client. I explained that this had to be an error, and I was making the necessary phone calls to find out what happened when the men who bought the house at auction came to my door. I told them the same thing, and evidently they contacted you, and you told them that the sale was valid. How can that be true? I am shocked that our rights seem to have been ignored. We followed the proper channels and did what we knew to be the correct things according to our attorney and the law. I am left asking the question: what happened? How is it fair, just or right that our family followed the rules and are left with absolutely nothing? The answer is that it is NOT fair, right or just. Clearly we seem to have very little power or voice in this matter, and I am desperate to find the way to resolve this. Respectfully, sir, you do have that power. It has become clear to my husband and myself that we are our own best advocates here and we cannot sit by and allow this to happen. I beg you to please give this your attention. I understand that you are extremely busy, and that this case has no real effect on your life. But it is our life, our future and the future of our kids. We have come out of a horrific series of events in our life, and we are motivated to continue to move forward in a positive direction. Please, please help us do that. I can be reached at the above email address, and my home phone number is xxxxxxx. I can also be reached by cell phone at xxxxx, and my husband Aaron can be reached by cell phone at xxxxx. We truly need your assistance.
Thank you,

I also sent a copy of the email I sent myself detailing Monday's events. My hope is that this will make something happen. If I don't hear anything today, I'm calling the local news. I'm so beyond pissed and righteous indignation now, I'm just sliding into survival mode. They can kiss my ample caboose.
I'll keep ya'll posted...
Ha ha, posted.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Auction That Broke The Camel's Back (With ME As The Camel)

Before I start, could those of you who swear please shout as many expletives as possible on my behalf? Seriously. Go ahead. I'll wait.
Now, could those of you who pray please do so now, both for help from above for me and mine, as well as for the folks who just waxed potty-mouth at my behest?
Thanks again.
Now for the explanation.
Yesterday was supposed to be the foreclosure auction for our house. We were told, by our attorney, that because we filed our Chapter 7, that the foreclosure would be frozen until after our Meeting of Creditors (which is a fancy way of saying when we meet with the judge). We had lucked into a buyer for the house, accepted his offer, and were waiting to close until we met with the bankruptcy trustee, as it was necessary for him to sign off on the property. If all went according to plan and prayer, we would have been able to walk away with a little bit of money to start over in a new place. Which we desperately need to do. Sounds OK, right? Well, no.
It's so far from OK I can't even see OK from where I am standing.
My kids and I were home yesterday with a bit of a stomach virus, and I was waiting for my mom-in-law to drop by with a few essentials. I went to the living room to gather some items that needed to make their way to her house, and I noticed a big truck parked in front of my house. I should have known, should have FREAKING known that no good could come of this. I was totally right. The guy in the truck got out and took a picture of the house (complete with my resplendent self standing in the front window). He came to the door and gave me his card, he's an insurance agent who represents the guy who bought our house, and he was here to take photos of the insurance policy. Fine. But the guy he said he represented is NOT the guy we signed papers with. Which is what I told him, and he was appropriately confused. He left, and evidently called his client, who came by to find out what the h-e-double hockey sticks was going on. Turns out, he bought our house at auction that morning.
Please swear again for me. A lot.
I told him about the situation, he and his partner took in the info and left. When I finally got ahold of my attorney, I was told that yes, the house had been sold at auction and that they had spoken to our judge, who had told them the sale was valid. He didn't care about the property, it had no bearing on the case. And I damn near passed out. The phone call lasted awhile, as I was put on hold several time to discuss the situation with the dude that said he bought the house...let me sum it up:
My attorney pretty much told me that he didn't know what he could do outside of spending a bunch of money in a lawsuit. WHAT?! Who is the attorney here? Who has the education to know what to do? And never mind that, who has the phone numbers of the people to call to set this right? Answer? NOT ME. Granted, it was nearly five p.m. and everybody wanted to go home, and I was left with a pounding headache, nausea, and was coming dangerously close to stroking out from all the stress. So I asked the attorney for the number of the guy he had spoken to, who bought the house at auction. He pretty much said he couldn't advise me to call and speak to him, as it was a legal matter, but that it was definitely my choice. DUH. Clearly nobody else was going to nut up and speak for me. So I called the guy. And I essentially sobbed, pleaded, and begged him to back out of the deal. He seemed pretty cool, and pretty understanding, but I don't know if it was an act or if he really is willing to help us out. I have my suspicions...but I am praying that I'm wrong.
What the hell do I do now? I left a message for the attorney, which basically said I want to know who f-ed this up and how they were going to fix it. I haven't heard anything back. I am terrified to call my realtor, although I am fairly certain he's received a call already from these guys who were at the auction. I AM SO PISSED. I am right back at square one, with no money, no help and no flipping options. I seem to have no legal voice, although the attorney generously said he would look into the codes in the matter and see what he could find. But it was pretty clear he didn't want to deal with it because we don't have the money to pay him to do it. I am sick. I am tired. And I'm about ready to lose my fool mind. Indecision, ineptitude and complete lack of empathy are at the top of my shit list right now, and I aim to get some answers. The problem is that I'm not sure where to start. But I will call the realtor and tell him what happened, and a good friend suggested that I try to get the original buyer (OUR buyer) rallied and on our side. Or his own side, as it were. I need to call the second buyer again and reiterate how important this whole deal was to our family. People don't seem to understand how desperate we are. Or maybe they do, and they just don't give a double shit. Whatever it is, I'm DONE. My "positive" attitude has changed to one of kicking ass and taking names. As many names as possible. If anybody has advice, feel free to comment.
And if anybody has a clue when it will be our turn to get things right, please holler at me. I'm waiting...

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Behold, His Mighty Hand!

Oh joy! Oh rapture! It's Easter, and that can mean only one thing, kids:
Too many exclamation points? Oh no. Not possible. We are talking about Cecil B. DeMille's MASTERPIECE, The Ten Commandments. Charleton Heston. Freakin' Moses! Plagues! Aimless wandering! Flaming shrubbery! And YUL BRENNER! I. Love. This. Movie.
Every year I wait for that joyful time of year when a young girl's (okay not so young...) thoughts turn to Moses and ABC throws caution and ratings to the wind to brazenly eat up four and one-half hours of airtime to bring this fine example of cinematic wonder to the masses. It's the day I pine for, and my family dreads. And to think, there was a moment this year when I feared the streak was over...I had seen absolutely zero promos for the wonder that is The Ten Commandments, and I had the sinking feeling last year that it might be the last time I could find the movie on Network TV. I mean, last year we had a "new" version, with that guy Dougray Scott (now on Desperate Housewives, kids) playing Moses. I watched it, but there was no comparison. Anyway, I figured with the new version and perhaps waning interest in the old one, I would have to break down and buy the thing on DVD. Cut to Saturday morning, April 7: I was sitting on my bed getting ready to meet my mom to do some Easter errands, watching the new Power Rangers (don't judge me, we don't have cable), and suddenly, like a ray of sunshine I heard those words: "Behold, His mighty hand!" And I whooped, whistled and sang Hallelujah!!!! And, as you might expect, my family left out a collective groan. The rest of my day was one of joy, I raced through the errands and came home to do quick haircuts and iron Easter duds, slapped some hash on a plate for dinner and retired to partake in my yearly ritual. And it did not disappoint. Remember the story? Do I care? Not really. I'm gonna go there whether you do or don't. Poor little Hebrew slave baby, packed into a basket and set adrift on the Nile to escape the death squads...but as luck would have it (or some would argue divine intervention, obviously, as the prophecies all called for a "Deliverer" to come and free the slaves...), he gets pulled from the water and is raised as the son of Pharaoh's sister.

He's now Moses, Prince of Egypt!! Yahoo!! And he gets to flirt and play with Nefertiri, who gets to marry the next Pharaoh, and egads, she's hoping for Moses, not Ramses...and Moses gets to be in charge of building the Pharaoh's big-ass city dedicated to, well, himself. Ramses is pissy and angry and jealous. Pretty much the whole time. And Moses saves old Yochabel from being crushed by the stones...and a bunch of other stuff happens, and pretty soon it's discovered that his true parentage is Hebrew.
So he gets the big toe of Pharaoh's sandal in his ass and is sent to wander the desert. And just when he is fixin' to expire, he stumbles onto a well in the land of Midian, surrounded by Jethro's seven horny daughters. Oh Hell Yessss. Eventually Moses marries Sephora, who seems to be named after a snazzy and expensive health spa...and he has to chase a sheep up the mountain (I think we've all been there, haven't we?). He finds the sheep (I think), and when he does he sees the burning bush. Instead of running away for water, or just plain running away, Moses figures out that the bush has something to say, so he listens. Good thing, too, because it turns out the bush was just the vessel for the voice of God, who tells Moses he's got some work to do. So Moses says, yep, cool, I've got your back, and heads back down the mountain, now sporting a nifty new Ogilvie home perm and a slightly dazed expression. He goes back to Pharaoh, who is now Ramses, and tells everyone that he must free the slaves or a whole ton of whoop-ass is going to come to pass. You know, rain of fire, toads, killing of the first born, yadda yadda yadda. Ramses, who happens to like himself a whole big bunch, pretty much tells Moses, "Bite me," and...yup, you guessed it. Whoop. Ass. Finally, after the last plague kills Ramses only son, he says fine, go get the funk out. So the Hebrews pack up kith and kin and head for the promised land. They get to the Red Sea and realize that Ramses has his army of dudes in chariots and skirts hot on their heels, and after some mid-level panic, Moses pretty much shuts everyone up by holding up his stick and parting the seas. The Hebrews haul ass across the sea floor, and as soon as they are out they turn to see Pharaoh's army closing in fast. But not to worry, God and Moses have them covered. WHOOSH! The waves crash back together and all the soldiers and Hebrew haters get dead. Quick. Then they wander some more. Now, I know I am minimizing a bit. OK, a lot. But you don't have four hours to read this and I don't have four to write. So relax. I'm almost done. Anyway, the people start to get uneasy again, so Moses goes for another hike. You know how kids act when Mom and Dad leave and the babysitter is kind of a wuss? Yeah, that's pretty much what happens here. Without Moses to guide them, the kids get unruly and throw a party and start hooking up with one another and making wine and building the golden calf...and we know that can't be good. While they are doing that, Moses is dodging lightning bolts on the mountain and getting yet another fabulous new hairdo while the Lord carves the commandments into stone. Once he's rinsed and combed out, Moses grabs the tablets and motors back down the mountain, where he finds debauchery, sin and general tomfoolery has overtaken the camp. So he kicks a LOT of ass, and eventually all the sinners are wiped out. Once that's over (and that took awhile, dontcha know), they pretty much fine the land of Milk and Honey, and get all excited. Yay! But...once again, Moses is the wounded one. He has to stay outside the Promised Land. God pretty much tells him he messed up too many times and well, sucks for him but good job on the rest of the gang. Sooooooo. There ya go. Moses gets to wave his big stick (out of the gutter, you), get two makeovers, but doesn't get to go to the party. Like being stood up on Prom night. AGGGGGGGHHHH. But it's sooo good. Next time it's on (or take a chance and rent's not like it's a new release...), check it out. Revel in the glory that is the special effects industry in 1951. Rockin'. And please note the personal favorite are the Clorox bottles the wardrobe department decorated the night before the shoot started to look like the royal head gear of the Pharaoh and his pals. Damn fine movie watching. Pop the corn and screen your calls. It's totally worth it.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Really, McDonald's? Not so much loving it...

Uh, I realize that this may not be earth shattering in any way to anyone besides me, but have you seen the "new" McDonald's ads, Dollar Menunaires? Dumb enough to begin with, and I really don't want to think about the whole process of dreaming up that winner of a campaign. I'm pretty sure the meetings for this account took place in the bar down the street from the office, after about ten pitchers of PBR and a fifth of Tequila. So it's bad enough that I actually pay attention to things like this, but I do, and it's your misfortune to have to see it now too. The ad begins innocuously enough, with extra-cute Abercrombie wannabes all jumping into a cute old-fashioned car and driving around with their adorable shoes hanging out the car window, eating from the fabulous selections on McDonald's Dollar Menu (which I do love and endorse, by the way, much cheaper than Happy Meals...) So you're just kind of bobbing along with the lame-ness when suddenly we are treated to a completely RANDOM appearance from this guy:
Yep, that's good old David Faustino, AKA Bud Bundy. He pops up a few seconds into the commercial with a "ROAD TRIP!" announcement, then also says some other stuff. I don't know what he says after "ROAD TRIP," because each time I see it I am distracted by the "What the HELL is he doing here" factor. First of all, I don't miss David Faustino enough to consider it retro or nostalgic that he is hawking burgers now. Dollar burgers, for that matter. Second of all, where did this even come from? Reference point, please. Maybe I'm missing something, but I really don't get it. I know, it's just a commercial. But come ON. I am wondering if there is going to be some kind of follow up, or a series of related ads...usually it seems like when corporations do a series of related ads, they will release the full series fairly quickly. Not so, Mickey D's. Hmmm. I guess the bad news for me is I will have to wait to see if anything follows (and you know I will be watching). The good news for McDonald's is that not only have I seen this ad and thought about it long after the forty-five seconds of commercial had ended, but I watched it closely every time it was on (which was A LOT) during an evening of quality tv viewing. They totally saw me coming. But as you know, that's how I roll. So go, Bud, go. Anyway, I am working on something a litte more in depth than this cheesy crap (I AM), and with any luck I'll get that posted soon. So the two of you who actually read this can relax. Ha ha. But until then, here's a little something to keep you going:
Oh yeah. That was some good tv. Don't mess with a Bundy, dammit.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Number three?

Uh, before I go totally apeshit, I must remind anyone who might be reading this on purpose that I am a spaz and I am embarrassingly excited by the lives of those who live in the spotlight. Just as I am by the local news folks. So get over it now, or surf on, because I feel a rant coming on...
I got an email yesterday from a dear friend who, like me, enjoys observing the INSANITY of celebrity life. In fact, she is the one who usually turns me on to what's happening in the world of cable television, for example, The Soup, on E! She rocks. She is also an enabler, but whatever. So I got this email with "Train wreck" as the subject, which I, of course, opened with glee. She said she sensed an Anna-Nicole type experience coming on, and her comment was followed by a link:
And I knew it would be good, but I NEVER dreamed I would open it to find this:
YEAHHHHH! Yes, folks, that is the beloved Britney Spears, with a freshly-shorn head! A dream come true. WHAT THE HELL? You can read the article (which, by the by, happens to be attributed to Reuters, so don't bitch at me about sources...they are at least more reputable than People Ragazine or, though I love both of those!), but let me paraphrase for you. Evidently, Mommy of the Year went to a salon in the LA area and asked the stylist to shave her head. When the stylist refused, MotY took the clippers in hand and DID IT HERSELF!!! Go, sister. I'm thinking she either was fed up with the damaged state of her tresses (that's right, I said tresses!), or she had a mad case of head lice. Or, she's crazy. Mmmmm. Crazy. Anyway, this girl is heading for some kind of total psychotic break. And as my pal who sent me the story said, where is her family? And what exactly wrong with the picture that is emerging depicting K Fed as the BETTER parent?! Holy crow, I want to pimp-slap her. After the hair shearing party, Ms. Spears then entered an LA tattoo parlor and proceeded to get ink. She got some lips on her wrist and some other nonsense elsewhere, I really don't care about that. If she had tattooed her bald-ass head, then I'd really be happy. Which leads me to the conclusion, the Anna-Nicole scenario regarding MotY, Ms. Britney Spears. I truly hope not, because her little boys deserve better...but all I'm saying is that things do tend to happen in threes. And while the race to interment is on between James Brown and little Vicky Marshall (ANS, duh), position numero tres seems to be vacant. And Lindsay is actually in rehab, at least for a few hours a day, so the chances of her reaching that point have dropped. Only time will tell...Howard K. Stern needs a job, maybe Britty-Poo needs a new attorney?
My kids just got out of bed, and are clamoring for breakfast...WWBD? Anyhoo, I guess I better feed 'em. Peace...

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Al, Al, wherefore art thou, Al?

Ok, remember when I said I have a slightly disturbing obsession with our local news people? Yeah. It's sick, but it's true. And I like to keep things familiar, you know? I mean, these people come into my house EVERY day like clockwork (as it happens, the news is on pretty much every day at the same times). I feel, perhaps wrongly so, that I know them and that I have some claim to their well-being. So imagine my shock and outrage when I realized that our beloved Al Petersen was:
A. Missing in Action from the morning news on KEZI 9
B. More than likely not returning any time in the foreseeable future.

You have to understand, this man has provided countless hours of information and good times for me and my family. BOTH of my children, since they were babies, have been fascinated with Mr. Petersen. Seriously, they would track him visually, stare endlessly, and as they grew, they would smile and laugh when they watched him as if he were a favorite uncle. Weird, I know, but I never claimed to be a member of a stable and sane family. We even saw him on some network bloopers shows, and nobody could ride out and enjoy an on-air mishap like Al Petersen.
So what happened?
From what I understand, Chambers Media decided to weed out the senior talent on their channel...pretty much. Which completely SUCKS. And I'll tell you why: these people have made this news program what it is, which IMO is the best local news station in Eugene. They are professional but accessible. They represent our community perfectly because they are part of it. They aren't offensive or snooty. And dammit, I like them. Which should be reason enough for Chambers to keep them around, frankly.
I hope our friend and neighbor Mr. Petersen goes on to find a really really fabulous career above and beyond KEZI 9 News. And I hope I see him out and about in the community so I can tell him he ROCKS and that we miss him. Hey, I know. I'm pretty sure most people are as sick and sickened by Seacrest as I am, perhaps Idol needs a fresh, new spokesperson.
Cheers, Al.

Monday, February 5, 2007

The Real Poop

Hi kids. Here comes the second post, which would have been first if I were both cruel and unusual. As it happens, and am only unusual, so here I go. What the HELL is wrong with 2007?! New Year's eve filled me with hope that the year would continue to be an improvement on what can only be classified as a hellacious run of bad luck and possibly karma for this family. I won't go there, because to include the last five years' worth of BS would simply make you either run away screaming or shaking your head in disbelief. Probably both. Which isn't a pretty picture. What I am trying to cope with right now is the fact that so far this year has been a mess and it's only freaking February. On January 7 our little great-nephew passed away, he had an accident and hit his head and the whole story is sad and awful and tragic. Our niece, who is amazing and miraculous, is coping and surviving as best she can, and for all of you who have sent prayers and love and vibes our way, we are truly grateful. He was only four, but the loss of his life saved four others, and that is the best miracle of all. We miss you, Kade.
Then we learned last week that our home is now in foreclosure. Yippee. We've been fighting to keep the place and keep our heads above water for several years now, and this is kind of the final blow in a long line of bitch slaps and groin kicks. SO. What now? Not a bloody clue. I've been a bawling mess for the last week, and only seem to have dried up in the last twelve hours. I went on a field trip with Noah's class on Thursday last, and cried the ENTIRE time. Nice. The trip was to an Air and Flight museum, which houses the Spruce Goose (pretty cool), and it is essentially a huge airplane hangar with a gazillion windows. It happened to be a super sunny day, so I wore my sunglasses and looked like a complete fool. Noah's teacher is a wonder, I adore and respect her so much, and she kept passing me those little packs of tissue. She totally understood my situation and had my back, and I am grateful. But now reality is setting in, I have had time to consider the situation, and to be frank (28:06:42:12) I am kind of relieved. I feel like the universe, God, HP, is telling me it is time to start over completely. I think I've been hearing whispers for years now, but now it's yelling, SHRIEKING that it's time. So I'm going with it. Not much choice at this point. My kids are a mess. Zak is a mess. I am a mess. But we're a mess together, and that's what's important. I keep thinking of those families you see on Oprah who totally fall apart and hit the absolute rock bottom of nightmare and strip it all away and end up on her stage telling her how liberating and cleansing it all was. I'm not sure we'll end up at Harpo studios in Chicago, but I'm thinking we'll get some kind of redemption out of this. We'd better. Dammit. Oh, sorry for the swear. There will likely be more at some point, so just be warned. I'll try to keep it PG-13.
That's it for now, mateys. Peace.

Official First Post

Avast, me hearties. I've got a lot to say, but I'm going to make the official first post less of a downer. You'll thank me later.
I'm sure you'll be thrilled to learn that I am a 37 year old, married mom of two boys. I am a substitute Instructional Assistant at the boys' school, and I am an artist. Feel free to check out my website. It might be a little bit of a mess right now, as I have been utterly preoccupied with other crap, but you can still look at my fancy art and decide if you like it. Or not. Your call. I promise I won't be mad or use my ninja skills against you in any way if you don't like my shtuff. At least as far as you'll know. :)
Things I love are painting (duh), music (particularly the Dropkick Murphys), movies (particularly the ones without Kevin Costner. Ever.), messing around on the computer (or having my children show me cool stuff to do on the computer as they are far more computer literate than I am), making endless fun of "celebrities" and the ridiculous lives they lead, and spending a little too much time considering the fine folks who report our local news. It's a sick and strange obsession, but it's how I roll. Deal with it. My husband is also an artist (he pretends he isn't but he is a huge liar and has pretty much taught me everything I know about drawing and stuff). He's pretty damn cute and I think I'll keep him around awhile. We've been married for almost twelve years, but been together for roughly eighteen. He installs security systems and fire systems, and could probably automate your home to do pretty much whatever you want it to. He's cool like that. He is extremely funny and irritating and sweet, and we'll call him Zak. Which is handy, because that is his name.
Our oldest kid is ten going on seventeen. He knows everything. Really. And it pisses him off when you tell him he doesn't. It's pretty funny. Eli is a total vidiot, as are all the boys in my family. He is smart as a whip, both in intelligence and as in smart-ass. But I like it. ;) Noah just turned 8 and he, not surprisingly, is also hella-smart and a vidiot boy. He is hilarious and sweet, with some pretty gnarly dance moves and killer stories and ideas. Both my boys are great artists, and I have decided to keep them. I think the warranty probably ran out some time ago anyway.
So that's the fam. The human fam. There are some other family members without thumbs, I should probably mention them. First, we have Chuck. Chuckie, actually. Near as we can tell, he is some blend of Pomeranian, Chihuahua, and possibly Papillion. He's little, he's old, and he stinks, but he's sweet and will snuggle and snuggle as much as you'll let him. Next is Mim, the Magnificent, MARVELOUS Mad Madam Mim. Yellow Lab, Australian Shepherd and Border Collie. She rocks. And, in fact, she used to eat rocks. Then, much to our extreme pleasure, she would puke them back up again. Mmmmm. That's a pretty cool sound to wake up to in the middle of the night: dog retching, followed by the distinct "plunk" of the rock onto the floor. Nice, I know. TMI. My apologies, She doesn't eat rocks anymore, she has moved on to sticks. And that's fine by me. Next we have Hex, our knocked-up vagabond black cat who suddenly appeared on our porch shortly after we lost our big black kitty Boo to (we think) the neighbor's hungry pit bull. Eli named her on Friday the 13th. Now she's knocked up because some neighborhood bully molested her. Grrrreat. Anybody want a kitten? Crap. Last there's Chloe, an inherited box turtle who really is super sweet and cool. She's kind of boring, but she has good taste in video games. She's a Halo fan.
And that's about it. I'm going to go finish my piece of Oreo pie which I did not make myself. Mmmm. Pie. I'm pretty sure my next post will soon. I'm also pretty sure the millions of new friends reading this (ha ha) will be riveted and dying of suspense. Catch ya on the flip, brothers and sisters.