Saturday, April 14, 2007

Super-speedy update...

Just a quick addendum...
Our attorney received a fax from the attorney of the jerks who bought our house (let's call them "JJ" from here on out), which essentially said we have until Thursday, April 19, to collect our things and get the hell out of Dodge. Yep. That's less than a week away now. The good news is I've accomplished a lot over the last couple of weeks in terms of getting rid of our JUNK. Really, there is probably about five years' worth of stuff that has piled up in various parts of the house, waiting for me to rummage through them and dispose of accordingly. We've made three Goodwill donation runs, with both my car and Zak's pickup truck COMPLETELY crammed full. So that's progress. And my niece and my sis-in-law came over on Thursday and brought boxes and helped begin the daunting and terrifying task of weeding through the boys' room! And my friend Sarah has been tremendous, making phone calls, organizing a packing party, and generally being a kick ass friend. Thanks to everyone keeping us in their thoughts. It's times like this when you can feel lower than a smushed snail on the bottom of a Birkenstock, and still be able to recognize the blessings of having such great friends and family.
I've got a kid waiting patiently for me to wrap it up,so I am off to stuff some more boxes. Peace.

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