Thursday, July 19, 2007

Karma...The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Recognize this little cutie? Yeppers, it's our old house, all dolled up and missing her front yard trees. Pretty! And for sale...STILL.
The asking price is $192, 000.00. You freaking heard me! So, these two yokels who bought the thing for $116, 000.00 stand to make, erm, let's see...carry the three, borrow 97...yep. LOTS of dough. The funny part is that for as fast as they gave us the boot and hauled ass getting the place gutted and redone, it still hasn't sold. Coming up on four(ish) months. I have to be careful here, I don't want to piss Karma off, but I get to feel a little bit thrilled that they have yet to collect their giant check. My awesome gal-pal Sam did a little recon for me when they had an open house a while ago, and she said that while it looks gorgeous, it's pretty "vanilla" and definitely not our house anymore. So good.
I was just telling my parents that I hope a very nice young family moves into the place and builds a life of great memories there. The house deserves that.
I just hope it takes a liittttle bit longer for that to happen.
I'd really like to email the realtor and tell him that his clients can send our portion of the profits to Bend...but I'm thinking that may be frowned upon. Ha!
Well, that's my quick update. Enjoy, more soon.

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