Monday, February 5, 2007

The Real Poop

Hi kids. Here comes the second post, which would have been first if I were both cruel and unusual. As it happens, and am only unusual, so here I go. What the HELL is wrong with 2007?! New Year's eve filled me with hope that the year would continue to be an improvement on what can only be classified as a hellacious run of bad luck and possibly karma for this family. I won't go there, because to include the last five years' worth of BS would simply make you either run away screaming or shaking your head in disbelief. Probably both. Which isn't a pretty picture. What I am trying to cope with right now is the fact that so far this year has been a mess and it's only freaking February. On January 7 our little great-nephew passed away, he had an accident and hit his head and the whole story is sad and awful and tragic. Our niece, who is amazing and miraculous, is coping and surviving as best she can, and for all of you who have sent prayers and love and vibes our way, we are truly grateful. He was only four, but the loss of his life saved four others, and that is the best miracle of all. We miss you, Kade.
Then we learned last week that our home is now in foreclosure. Yippee. We've been fighting to keep the place and keep our heads above water for several years now, and this is kind of the final blow in a long line of bitch slaps and groin kicks. SO. What now? Not a bloody clue. I've been a bawling mess for the last week, and only seem to have dried up in the last twelve hours. I went on a field trip with Noah's class on Thursday last, and cried the ENTIRE time. Nice. The trip was to an Air and Flight museum, which houses the Spruce Goose (pretty cool), and it is essentially a huge airplane hangar with a gazillion windows. It happened to be a super sunny day, so I wore my sunglasses and looked like a complete fool. Noah's teacher is a wonder, I adore and respect her so much, and she kept passing me those little packs of tissue. She totally understood my situation and had my back, and I am grateful. But now reality is setting in, I have had time to consider the situation, and to be frank (28:06:42:12) I am kind of relieved. I feel like the universe, God, HP, is telling me it is time to start over completely. I think I've been hearing whispers for years now, but now it's yelling, SHRIEKING that it's time. So I'm going with it. Not much choice at this point. My kids are a mess. Zak is a mess. I am a mess. But we're a mess together, and that's what's important. I keep thinking of those families you see on Oprah who totally fall apart and hit the absolute rock bottom of nightmare and strip it all away and end up on her stage telling her how liberating and cleansing it all was. I'm not sure we'll end up at Harpo studios in Chicago, but I'm thinking we'll get some kind of redemption out of this. We'd better. Dammit. Oh, sorry for the swear. There will likely be more at some point, so just be warned. I'll try to keep it PG-13.
That's it for now, mateys. Peace.

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