Sunday, February 18, 2007

Number three?

Uh, before I go totally apeshit, I must remind anyone who might be reading this on purpose that I am a spaz and I am embarrassingly excited by the lives of those who live in the spotlight. Just as I am by the local news folks. So get over it now, or surf on, because I feel a rant coming on...
I got an email yesterday from a dear friend who, like me, enjoys observing the INSANITY of celebrity life. In fact, she is the one who usually turns me on to what's happening in the world of cable television, for example, The Soup, on E! She rocks. She is also an enabler, but whatever. So I got this email with "Train wreck" as the subject, which I, of course, opened with glee. She said she sensed an Anna-Nicole type experience coming on, and her comment was followed by a link:
And I knew it would be good, but I NEVER dreamed I would open it to find this:
YEAHHHHH! Yes, folks, that is the beloved Britney Spears, with a freshly-shorn head! A dream come true. WHAT THE HELL? You can read the article (which, by the by, happens to be attributed to Reuters, so don't bitch at me about sources...they are at least more reputable than People Ragazine or, though I love both of those!), but let me paraphrase for you. Evidently, Mommy of the Year went to a salon in the LA area and asked the stylist to shave her head. When the stylist refused, MotY took the clippers in hand and DID IT HERSELF!!! Go, sister. I'm thinking she either was fed up with the damaged state of her tresses (that's right, I said tresses!), or she had a mad case of head lice. Or, she's crazy. Mmmmm. Crazy. Anyway, this girl is heading for some kind of total psychotic break. And as my pal who sent me the story said, where is her family? And what exactly wrong with the picture that is emerging depicting K Fed as the BETTER parent?! Holy crow, I want to pimp-slap her. After the hair shearing party, Ms. Spears then entered an LA tattoo parlor and proceeded to get ink. She got some lips on her wrist and some other nonsense elsewhere, I really don't care about that. If she had tattooed her bald-ass head, then I'd really be happy. Which leads me to the conclusion, the Anna-Nicole scenario regarding MotY, Ms. Britney Spears. I truly hope not, because her little boys deserve better...but all I'm saying is that things do tend to happen in threes. And while the race to interment is on between James Brown and little Vicky Marshall (ANS, duh), position numero tres seems to be vacant. And Lindsay is actually in rehab, at least for a few hours a day, so the chances of her reaching that point have dropped. Only time will tell...Howard K. Stern needs a job, maybe Britty-Poo needs a new attorney?
My kids just got out of bed, and are clamoring for breakfast...WWBD? Anyhoo, I guess I better feed 'em. Peace...

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