Monday, February 5, 2007

Official First Post

Avast, me hearties. I've got a lot to say, but I'm going to make the official first post less of a downer. You'll thank me later.
I'm sure you'll be thrilled to learn that I am a 37 year old, married mom of two boys. I am a substitute Instructional Assistant at the boys' school, and I am an artist. Feel free to check out my website. It might be a little bit of a mess right now, as I have been utterly preoccupied with other crap, but you can still look at my fancy art and decide if you like it. Or not. Your call. I promise I won't be mad or use my ninja skills against you in any way if you don't like my shtuff. At least as far as you'll know. :)
Things I love are painting (duh), music (particularly the Dropkick Murphys), movies (particularly the ones without Kevin Costner. Ever.), messing around on the computer (or having my children show me cool stuff to do on the computer as they are far more computer literate than I am), making endless fun of "celebrities" and the ridiculous lives they lead, and spending a little too much time considering the fine folks who report our local news. It's a sick and strange obsession, but it's how I roll. Deal with it. My husband is also an artist (he pretends he isn't but he is a huge liar and has pretty much taught me everything I know about drawing and stuff). He's pretty damn cute and I think I'll keep him around awhile. We've been married for almost twelve years, but been together for roughly eighteen. He installs security systems and fire systems, and could probably automate your home to do pretty much whatever you want it to. He's cool like that. He is extremely funny and irritating and sweet, and we'll call him Zak. Which is handy, because that is his name.
Our oldest kid is ten going on seventeen. He knows everything. Really. And it pisses him off when you tell him he doesn't. It's pretty funny. Eli is a total vidiot, as are all the boys in my family. He is smart as a whip, both in intelligence and as in smart-ass. But I like it. ;) Noah just turned 8 and he, not surprisingly, is also hella-smart and a vidiot boy. He is hilarious and sweet, with some pretty gnarly dance moves and killer stories and ideas. Both my boys are great artists, and I have decided to keep them. I think the warranty probably ran out some time ago anyway.
So that's the fam. The human fam. There are some other family members without thumbs, I should probably mention them. First, we have Chuck. Chuckie, actually. Near as we can tell, he is some blend of Pomeranian, Chihuahua, and possibly Papillion. He's little, he's old, and he stinks, but he's sweet and will snuggle and snuggle as much as you'll let him. Next is Mim, the Magnificent, MARVELOUS Mad Madam Mim. Yellow Lab, Australian Shepherd and Border Collie. She rocks. And, in fact, she used to eat rocks. Then, much to our extreme pleasure, she would puke them back up again. Mmmmm. That's a pretty cool sound to wake up to in the middle of the night: dog retching, followed by the distinct "plunk" of the rock onto the floor. Nice, I know. TMI. My apologies, She doesn't eat rocks anymore, she has moved on to sticks. And that's fine by me. Next we have Hex, our knocked-up vagabond black cat who suddenly appeared on our porch shortly after we lost our big black kitty Boo to (we think) the neighbor's hungry pit bull. Eli named her on Friday the 13th. Now she's knocked up because some neighborhood bully molested her. Grrrreat. Anybody want a kitten? Crap. Last there's Chloe, an inherited box turtle who really is super sweet and cool. She's kind of boring, but she has good taste in video games. She's a Halo fan.
And that's about it. I'm going to go finish my piece of Oreo pie which I did not make myself. Mmmm. Pie. I'm pretty sure my next post will soon. I'm also pretty sure the millions of new friends reading this (ha ha) will be riveted and dying of suspense. Catch ya on the flip, brothers and sisters.

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