Wednesday, April 11, 2007

DON'T mess with the ninja. I'm so NOT kidding...

After two nights now of virtually no sleep, I've had an epiphany.
It's definitely my job to get this crap straightened out. So here's my plan. I emailed the following to our trustee, our attorney, the Department of Justice Trustees branch, Peter DeFazio and our realtor:

Dear Mr. XXXXXX,
I am writing to you in an effort to resolve an urgent issue regarding our current Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, and the foreclosure sale of our home. My name is Angela Zacharek, and my husband Aaron and I are working with {attorney's name} to file this bankruptcy. In March, {attorney's name} office sent the appropriate requests and motions to ask that our home be given a stay, to allow us to attempt to sell our home ourselves and therefore prevent a foreclosure marking on our credit, as well as provide our family with the means to find a new place to live and essentially give us a fresh start. We followed the rules. It was our understanding that the house would not be included in the scheduled foreclosure auction on April 9. We found a buyer, who made an offer and we accepted it, with the contingent that it be approved by you, our appointed trustee. Our First Meeting of Creditors is scheduled for Monday, April 16. Unfortunately we learned that the house had indeed been included in the auction, and I discovered this when an insurance agent came to my home on Monday the 9th to take photos for his new client. I explained that this had to be an error, and I was making the necessary phone calls to find out what happened when the men who bought the house at auction came to my door. I told them the same thing, and evidently they contacted you, and you told them that the sale was valid. How can that be true? I am shocked that our rights seem to have been ignored. We followed the proper channels and did what we knew to be the correct things according to our attorney and the law. I am left asking the question: what happened? How is it fair, just or right that our family followed the rules and are left with absolutely nothing? The answer is that it is NOT fair, right or just. Clearly we seem to have very little power or voice in this matter, and I am desperate to find the way to resolve this. Respectfully, sir, you do have that power. It has become clear to my husband and myself that we are our own best advocates here and we cannot sit by and allow this to happen. I beg you to please give this your attention. I understand that you are extremely busy, and that this case has no real effect on your life. But it is our life, our future and the future of our kids. We have come out of a horrific series of events in our life, and we are motivated to continue to move forward in a positive direction. Please, please help us do that. I can be reached at the above email address, and my home phone number is xxxxxxx. I can also be reached by cell phone at xxxxx, and my husband Aaron can be reached by cell phone at xxxxx. We truly need your assistance.
Thank you,

I also sent a copy of the email I sent myself detailing Monday's events. My hope is that this will make something happen. If I don't hear anything today, I'm calling the local news. I'm so beyond pissed and righteous indignation now, I'm just sliding into survival mode. They can kiss my ample caboose.
I'll keep ya'll posted...
Ha ha, posted.

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