Thursday, May 3, 2007

"Houseless," Not Homeless

Ok, this will be quick (at least that's the plan), but I just want to update while I have two seconds. Two seconds on a borrowed laptop and the school's wireless, that is! Yay for that.
SO. We have moved in temporarily with bro-and sis-in-law, who pretty much rock the freaking world and we LOVE them for helping us out. We loved them before, but now we love them 80% more! Ok 90%. Maybe even 100%. Our kittens are with us, minus VooDoo, who found a happy home yesterday and whose new mommy will completely spoil him rotten. Cool. The pooches are staying with Zak's other awesome bro and his family, thank goodness. We will be here until the end of June, unless something exciting happens before then.
Now for the skinny.
We basically got the boot on Monday the 23rd of April, and we left a crapload of junk behind because we couldn't haul it, store it, or dump it in time. So sucks for the new owners, but I have to say I don't really care. I realized that it's not their fault (completely) that we're "houseless," but it feels good to dislike and trash talk somebody I don't know because I feel yucky. Yes, I am that petty. Whatevs. The last day of moving all of us were having graphic fantasies about what sorts of acts of vandalism we could commit to surprise the new owners "JJ" that Monday morning. My personal favorite came when I was packing the contents of our chest freezer into coolers. The contents were mostly meat, and either Zak or his brother asked if I would like him to stuff some of the packages into the crawl space in the attic...oooh. Love that one. Also discussed leaving the water running when we left, dumping the litter box into the toilet, and the ever-popular butter smearage on the walls. Of course we did none of those things. But the dream was beautiful. And therapeutic.
I drove by the house yesterday and saw that they had not only chopped down my cherry tree (I cannot tell a lie...) but my giant blue spruce as well. Sad. It looked like they were ripping the rock faces off the front too. I will be curious to see what they do with it. I reserve the right to hate it unconditionally.
So now we are trying to make some decisions concerning our future. Sue the lawyer? Maybe. But that sounds like a pain in the ass. Probably we'll ask the State Bar Association to do an independent case review to see if there was any wrongdoing. But we're waiting until the bankruptcy stuff is final final final. Grrrrr. We're looking for a new job for Zak (yep, I said "we" because that is how we roll). There is one possibility, of maybe living and working in Bend. There is an offer on the table and it's a good one. Guess we're hoping for the BBD...bigger better deal. Risky, I know. We'll see what happens.
On the plus side, we found some really FABULOUS crap while we were packing like maniacs...including a drawing Zak did of He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe when he was lots younger. I'm going to try and locate it and scan it in somehow without him knowing. Because he will end my life if he knows I'm doing it. Ha ha. I did get a photo of one item that particularly excites me, but I'll have to share in another post. Because I gotta boogie now.

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