Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Really, McDonald's? Not so much loving it...

Uh, I realize that this may not be earth shattering in any way to anyone besides me, but have you seen the "new" McDonald's ads, Dollar Menunaires? Dumb enough to begin with, and I really don't want to think about the whole process of dreaming up that winner of a campaign. I'm pretty sure the meetings for this account took place in the bar down the street from the office, after about ten pitchers of PBR and a fifth of Tequila. So it's bad enough that I actually pay attention to things like this, but I do, and it's your misfortune to have to see it now too. The ad begins innocuously enough, with extra-cute Abercrombie wannabes all jumping into a cute old-fashioned car and driving around with their adorable shoes hanging out the car window, eating from the fabulous selections on McDonald's Dollar Menu (which I do love and endorse, by the way, much cheaper than Happy Meals...) So you're just kind of bobbing along with the lame-ness when suddenly we are treated to a completely RANDOM appearance from this guy:
Yep, that's good old David Faustino, AKA Bud Bundy. He pops up a few seconds into the commercial with a "ROAD TRIP!" announcement, then also says some other stuff. I don't know what he says after "ROAD TRIP," because each time I see it I am distracted by the "What the HELL is he doing here" factor. First of all, I don't miss David Faustino enough to consider it retro or nostalgic that he is hawking burgers now. Dollar burgers, for that matter. Second of all, where did this even come from? Reference point, please. Maybe I'm missing something, but I really don't get it. I know, it's just a commercial. But come ON. I am wondering if there is going to be some kind of follow up, or a series of related ads...usually it seems like when corporations do a series of related ads, they will release the full series fairly quickly. Not so, Mickey D's. Hmmm. I guess the bad news for me is I will have to wait to see if anything follows (and you know I will be watching). The good news for McDonald's is that not only have I seen this ad and thought about it long after the forty-five seconds of commercial had ended, but I watched it closely every time it was on (which was A LOT) during an evening of quality tv viewing. They totally saw me coming. But as you know, that's how I roll. So go, Bud, go. Anyway, I am working on something a litte more in depth than this cheesy crap (I AM), and with any luck I'll get that posted soon. So the two of you who actually read this can relax. Ha ha. But until then, here's a little something to keep you going:
Oh yeah. That was some good tv. Don't mess with a Bundy, dammit.

1 comment:

Miki said...

What only two of us...are you sure. Keep your fingers crossed...we are hoping to purchase plane tickets this week. Yeah! Love you!